Jennie Nell Winter, named after her two grandmothers, was born May 26, 1955, to Beulah and Stan Winter. Jennie was the youngest of three children: Jackie (McKay) the eldest and Renais (Winter) the middle sister, both of whom Jennie swears, “tortured” her when they were young (and which the sisters have reluctantly admitted). Jennie was an aunt to Kendra McKay and Ian McKay.
Jennie grew up in Millbrae, CA and graduated from Capuchino High School a year early. Jennie worked in the dietary department of Peninsula Hospital then returned to school to get an advanced degree. She later went to massage school and worked independently as a massage therapist for many years. She was a skilled therapist, worked closely with a chiropracter and had many of the 49ers as clients. Jennie one time told her sister, Renais, that she could help her with her back pain but she would have to hurt her to do it. Not entirely clear if this was transparency or revenge. Jennie was a warm, caring, loving person who could listen without judgement. She would tell you the truth if asked even though you might not want to hear it. She was generous with her time and her advice. She also had a great sense of humor – maybe a little caustic at times but she was always ready to laugh and share jokes. She was known for helping others and through her efforts to assist a friend’s son navigate a custody battle, she found her calling and went back to school to become a lawyer. Jennie practiced family law for at least 20 years becoming well known for her collaborative practice and her pull-no-punches style. She always went above and beyond for her clients.
If Jennie were writing this, she would probably spend most of the time talking about the dogs she has loved - Colby, Bowie and Lucy - her first of many loves, Godiva, Misty (a cat), and Mark. Jennie was a regular at the dog park often bringing treats and water for all the dogs.
Jennie said of herself that she was “fiercely independent”. She followed her values and beliefs even when it created hardship for herself and others. It will come as a surprise to no one who knew her that Jennie was opinionated. She had strong beliefs about politics, uneducated voters, her friends’ lives and her family. One never had to wonder what Jennie thought about anything.
Jennie had a zest for life and when she was younger, loved going to concerts, wining and dining, taking car trips, experimenting with substances and socializing. Over time she battled with bouts of depression which interfered with her ability to act on her own behalf and dampened her joy in living. Over the last 7-8 years, Jennie suffered many medical setbacks. She fought to overcome each challenge and was able to return home every time although each event took its toll. In October of 2023, Jennie moved to Oregon to live with her sister Jackie and nephew Ian, when she could no longer remain in the cottage by the Vans where she had lived for 32 years. Jennie fell in love again with Lily, a shy white and brown pit living at Jackies along with Bela, an aggressively friendly black mouth Ker, Indy a brown pitbul and professional licker, and Odin, a handsome part wolf sweetheart. Jennie adjusted to a new life at Jackies but in April of 2024 she had another, much more serious stroke. Jennie again showed amazing resiliance but was not able to bounce back as she had in the past. She lived another five months in the good care of her sister Jackie, but gradually became weaker and died peacefully on August 23, 2024. She will be sorely missed by all of us who knew and loved her.
Jennie’s family will be hosting a memorial in San Mateo County in the near future. If you are interested in attending, please contact Renais Winter at rdwinterstone@gmail.com and you will be notified when plans have solidified.