
Cristian Griswold born June 17th 1999 at UCI medical center in Orange California. Cristian is survived by his mother Nicole Griswold, brothers and sisters Gav, Bailey, and Angela Griswold, Alyssa and J.J Delgado as well as father Juan Delgado. Cristian was a bright young man and beautiful child. He loved gaming, his family, cars, and his friends. His life was cut short at the age of 25 due to heart complications on July 25th, 2024 from Duchene Muscular Dystrophy. He was the love of my life, the light in my dark, and the joy in my soul. He will be missed dearly and forever loved. Thank you to all that shared in his last day. It warms us to know that he had his family there at the end. We love you Cristian.